JCC Services
JCC Services are always designed in response to
client needs. Details vary from client to client, but some services are
particularly popular. JCC has specific experience providing the following
services to clients:
Complete outsourcing of DBA functions to JCC relies on
- Initial set-up and familiarization with needs,
challenges, and personnel
- Periodic follow-up visits
- Automatic monitoring with JCC tools
- Periodic monitoring by JCC DBAs with VPN access
- On-call availability
Additional information is provided in a more complete description of
- DBA Compass�: DBA Compass
provides support to a variety of clients who just want to know that they can
call an expert for answers and backup when production DBA issues arise.
Options vary. The contracts specify the number of "calls" included, the fee
for additional "calls," and whether coverage is 24 X 7. A "call" is telephone
or e-mail contact with a question. Response may involve telephone or e-mail
contact and/or direct connection to the database in question.
expertise - through DBA Compass - can provide the reassuring sense of
direction necessary to save time and misdirection.
Additional information is provided in a more complete
description of JCC's DBA Compass.
OnTrack Conversion�:
Today, conversion may become a topic because
a production Rdb database would profit from some tools not available in Rdb or on VMS. If complete conversion is the goal,
JCC has the necessary expertise and tools to smooth the
path. If access to the non-Rdb, non-VMS tools is the goal, JCC has experience
with architectures that may provide alternate answers.
Conversions can be disruptive. JCC's conversion
projects focus on "keeping the race car on the track while we change the tires
... and the motor!"
Additional information is provided in a more complete description of
JCC's OnTrack Conversion�.
Send mail to [email protected]
with additional questions or comments.
Copyright �
2005 - 2009, JCC Consulting,
modified: February 25, 2009
Trademarks and credits.