Versions of Products Tested with JCC's LogMiner Loader
JCC's LogMiner Loader has been tested, over time, with many combinations of software versions.
JCC always recommends upgrading to the latest version possible of both the Loader and the companion products.
- OpenVMS: The
Loader has been
extensively tested with
the OpenVMS version 8.4 and earlier versions for both Integrity
and alpha.
a single exception, JCC is not aware of any restrictions that would cause
the Loader to fail when using earlier OpenVMS versions. However, JCC has
not tested the Loader with OpenVMS versions earlier than V7.2.2, except for V7.1.
- Note: There is
a restriction regarding version 7.1 and earlier versions of OpenVMS
that is due
to an incompatibility with the thread libraries used in later
versions. For early versions of OpenVMS there is a
special version of the Loader, called "ST," that is linked without the thread library and
is included in the kit.
- Rdb:
Likewise, the Loader
Versions 2.0
and later have been extensively tested with almost all variants of Rdb
that support the
LogMiner. Testing has included Rdb V7.2.2
and previous
versions back to V7. and V7.1.2.4, for both source and target.
- Oracle: To
support Oracle as a
target, the Loader
requires standard Oracle SQL*net on the system on which the Loader is running and a client version of Oracle that runs on
The Loader has been tested with client versions of Oracle 10.2 and earlier for both Integrity and alpha.
The Loader has been tested with server versions of Oracle running on the target that include 11.2 and earlier versions.
The kit
includes shareable images that allow you to use any of these interfaces.
- Note: Earlier
versions of the Oracle 9.2 kit on OpenVMS included local installation
timestamps in the Oracle shareable images version. Because of this, Oracle
images linked on one system (JCC, for example) would not run on another
system (yours, for example). Since the problem was corrected with Oracle
version, all images of the Loader using Oracle 9.2 have been
linked with
- Note: Oracle is sensitive to mismatches in
the client and server versions.
- Note: You must
set the Oracle version using the JCC_LML_ORACLE_USER procedure.
- Tuxedo:
The Tuxedo interface has been tested extensively with Tuxedo version
V6.5-518 (OpenVMS client).
- JDBC: The
Loader has been certified by
JCC using
version 1.4.2 and later of the Java SDK and Java RTE on alpha and with 1.5.0-2
('Java2')and later on Integrity.
- SQL Server:
has used SQL Server 2000, SP4 and SQL Server 2005 SP1. SQL Server and the
Loader have been tested with SQL Server 2000 and 2005 JDBC drivers, and Source
Forge's jTDS V1.2.2 open source JDBC driver.
- Other:
The Loader has also been tested with MySQL, Rdb, Oracle and other options that have Class 4 drivers for JDBC.
Send mail to [email protected]
with additional questions or comments.
Copyright � 2005
- 2010, JCC Consulting,
Last modified: September 23, 2010
Trademarks and credits.